News list for " rob"

The White House has hired Kali Means, an ally of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as a special government adviser

The White House has hired Kali Means, an ally of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as a special government adviser, according to market sources.

2025-03-18 21:51:38
Robinhood Launches Prediction Market Hub to Support Federal Reserve Interest Rates and Sporting Event Contract Trading

On March 17th, according to the official announcement of Robinhood, its Robinhood Derivatives, LLC (RHD) today launched the Prediction Markets Hub in the Robinhood App, allowing users to trade forecast contracts such as the Federal Reserve's interest rate cap in May and the NCAA basketball tournament. The service is provided through the CFTC-regulated KalshiEX exchange, and Robinhood has been in close communication with the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to ensure compliance. Off...

2025-03-17 14:40:31

3月17日消息,据Robinhood官方公告,旗下Robinhood Derivatives, LLC (RHD) 今日在Robinhood App内推出预测市场中心(Prediction Markets Hub),允许用户交易5月美联储利率上限及NCAA篮球锦标赛等预测合约。该服务通过CFTC监管的KalshiEX交易所提供,Robinhood已与美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)密切沟通,确保合规运营。官方表示,预测市场在新闻、经济...

2025-03-17 14:40:31
Early investors in Uber and Robinhood: Bitcoin has been monopolized by some giants and needs to be "rebooted" now

Jason Calacanis, an early investor in Uber and Robinhood and a well-known angel investor, wrote on the X platform that Bitcoin has been monopolized by some giants, and now is the best time to build a better Bitcoin, "the game needs to be restarted". However, Jason Calacanis's views seem to have caused disagreement in the industry. Brady Swenson, a co-founder of Swan Bitcoin, said that Bitcoin is a technological revolution that changes all industries, rather than following a single technology ado...

2025-03-16 09:13:44

Uber和Robinhood早期投资者、知名天使投资人Jason Calacanis在X平台发文称,比特币已经被一些巨头垄断了市场,现在是打造更好比特币的最佳时机,“游戏需要重启”。不过Jason Calacanis的观点似乎引起业内不同意见,Swan Bitcoin联创Brady Swenson表示,比特币是一场改变所有行业的技术革命,而不是像iPad那样遵循单一技术的采用曲线,比特币作为价值转移协议永远不会被取代...

2025-03-16 09:13:44

据官方公告,Robinhood 将上线 PENGU、POPCAT、PNUT。

2025-03-13 12:22:12
BlockTower Ventures Spins Off into Strobe Ventures and Plans to Raise $100 million

The venture arm of BlockTower Capital has been officially spun off as a separate company under the name Strobe Ventures, with $235 million in assets under management (AUM) and plans to raise $100 million for its second fund. Strobe Ventures will double its investment in early-stage cryptocurrencies with a "high belief" strategy.

2025-03-12 13:05:40
BlockTower风投部门分拆为Strobe Ventures并计划筹集1亿美元

BlockTower Capital 的风险投资部门已正式分拆为一家独立公司,以 Strobe Ventures 的名义成立,管理的资产(AUM)为 2.35 亿美元,并计划为其第二只基金筹集 1 亿美元。Strobe Ventures 将以“高信念”策略加倍投资早期加密货币。

2025-03-12 13:05:40
Robinhood 2月加密货币交易量环比下降29%

Robinhood 2 月加密货币交易量达 144 亿美元,环比下降 29%。加密货币交易量降幅超过该平台的股票和期权交易的降幅。

2025-03-11 17:02:46
Robinhood fined $26 million by US regulators for multiple violations

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued a press release on March 7 local time saying that it has ordered Robinhood Financial to pay customers $3.75 million and fined Robinhood Financial and Robinhood Securities $26 million for violating multiple FINRA rules, including failing to respond to red flags of potential misconduct. In the settlement agreement, the two companies accepted FINRA's findings but neither admitted nor denied the allegations, and agreed to commit to rectifyin...

2025-03-08 08:13:52

美国金融业监管局(FINRA)当地时间3月7日发布新闻稿称,已责令Robinhood Financial向客户支付375万美元,并以违反多项FINRA规则为由对Robinhood Financial和Robinhood Securities处以2600万美元罚款,包括未能对潜在不当行为的危险信号作出回应。在和解协议中,两家公司接受FINRA调查结果但既不承认也不否认指控,并同意承诺已整改相关问题。

2025-03-08 08:13:52
Robinhood holds a limited-time quiz, offering over $2 million in bitcoin and dogecoin rewards

Robinhood will host financial, economic and cryptocurrency-themed quiz games in its mobile app, and award participants more than $2 million in bitcoin and dogecoin. The first round of the quiz, which starts at 4:45pm (EST) today, requires participants to answer 12 multi-select questions, each limited to 10 seconds. Users who answer all the questions correctly will split the daily $1 million bitcoin prize pool equally. If no one is correct, the prize pool will be divided by the user who answers t...

2025-03-05 21:58:04

Robinhood 将在其移动应用内举办金融、经济及加密货币主题的竞猜游戏,并向参与者发放总额超 200 万美元的比特币和狗狗币奖励。今日下午 4:45(美东时间)开启的第一轮竞猜,参与者需回答 12 道多选题,每题限时 10 秒。答对所有问题的用户将平分每日 100 万美元比特币奖池,若无人全对,则奖池由答对最多题目的用户瓜分。

2025-03-05 21:58:04
市场消息:Robinhood CEO称特朗普年内或通过稳定币立法

据市场消息,Robinhood 首席执行官 Vladimir Tenev 称特朗普年内或通过稳定币立法。

2025-03-05 13:19:22
Several industry executives, including Coinbase and Robinhood CEO, have confirmed their participation in the White House Cryptocurrency Summit

According to Fox Business correspondent Eleanor Terrett, although formal invitations have not yet been sent out, a number of industry figures have confirmed their attendance at the cryptocurrency summit to be held at the White House on Friday. Sources pointed out that the size of this summit may be smaller than previously expected. The guests who have been confirmed to attend the summit include: Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev, Kraken CEO Arjun Sethi, MicroStrategy founder...

2025-03-04 22:46:42